When does umbrella insurance kick in?

Umbrella insurance from ANA Insurance Brokerage Inc. is a type of supplemental liability insurance policy that provides added protection for individuals in the event of an unforeseen legal claim. It works in tandem with other existing policies, such as car insurance or homeowners’ insurance, and takes effect when those limits have been exceeded.

For example, if you were found liable for damages from an automobile accident in the Southgate, CA area that exceeded your existing auto coverage, umbrella insurance would kick in to provide additional coverage up to the umbrella policy limit.

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance can be an invaluable asset for those who may potentially face large financial losses due to unforeseen events. For example, if someone were to sue you after being injured by a dog on your property or after being involved in an automobile accident caused by your negligence, umbrella insurance could help protect you against financial destruction.

Umbrella policies are usually very affordable and offer higher limits than standard liability policies, making them a great option for those who are concerned about their potential exposure to large legal costs or damages awards. 

Overall, while umbrella insurance may seem like a luxury item at first glance, it can actually be very beneficial in helping individuals and small businesses protect themselves from potential financial losses due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control.

By providing extra liability coverage and covering certain types of damages not covered under traditional policies, having appropriate umbrella coverage can be a powerful form of protection against unexpected legal fees or awards stemming from accidents or other mishaps.

Give Us A Call

If you have any questions about your coverage, please give us at ANA Insurance Brokerage Inc. a call today. We proudly serve the Southgate, CA area.

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Umbrella insurance from ANA Insurance Brokerage Inc. is a type of supplemental liability insurance policy that provides added protection for individuals in the event of an unforeseen legal claim. It works in tandem with other existing policies, such as car insurance or homeowners’ insurance, and takes effect when those limits have been exceeded.

For example, if you were found liable for damages from an automobile accident in the Southgate, CA area that exceeded your existing auto coverage, umbrella insurance would kick in to provide additional coverage up to the umbrella policy limit.

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance can be an invaluable asset for those who may potentially face large financial losses due to unforeseen events. For example, if someone were to sue you after being injured by a dog on your property or after being involved in an automobile accident caused by your negligence, umbrella insurance could help protect you against financial destruction.

Umbrella policies are usually very affordable and offer higher limits than standard liability policies, making them a great option for those who are concerned about their potential exposure to large legal costs or damages awards. 

Overall, while umbrella insurance may seem like a luxury item at first glance, it can actually be very beneficial in helping individuals and small businesses protect themselves from potential financial losses due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control.

By providing extra liability coverage and covering certain types of damages not covered under traditional policies, having appropriate umbrella coverage can be a powerful form of protection against unexpected legal fees or awards stemming from accidents or other mishaps.

Give Us A Call

If you have any questions about your coverage, please give us at ANA Insurance Brokerage Inc. a call today. We proudly serve the Southgate, CA area.